Stateliness, solemnity, and the spirit to serve were the quintessence of the grand online Investiture Ceremony of Presidium School. The Chairperson of the school, Mrs. Sudha Gupta in her speech, urged the student leaders to create leadership opportunities for others and at the same time, set an example through their actions and contribution for their juniors to emulate. A soulful Sufi musical composition added sublimity to the ceremony. It was a truly defining moment when the Student Council members received their badges of office and certificates. The passion to serve their school was written large on the faces of each newly elected appointee as they took the oath which was administered by the Vice-Principal. The Head Boy and Head-Girl in their emotional speeches expressed their gratitude to the school management, heads, and teachers for the trust reposed in them. The close bond between the school and parents was evident when the parents of a few Student Council members thanked the school for its sincere efforts to groom its students to become the torch bearers of tomorrow. A few representatives from the Junior and Senior Club Profiles too appeared overcome with emotions as they thanked the school profusely for the leadership opportunities.