National Daughter’s Day is celebrated every year on the fourth Sunday of September in India. This one particular day is dedicated to our daughters showing them affection while celebrating the occasion by giving them wishes, gifts, and endless blessings! National Daughter’s Day is a day that we Presidians celebrate with full joy, pride, and enthusiasm. The day began by wishing all the girls “Happy Daughter’s Day." Then the entire class whether boy or girl got engaged in card-making activities. Students engaged in a card-making activity; girls pasted their most memorable picture on their cards and sharing, how they had been made special during that day and the gifts they got from their parents. Boys made cards for their lovely sisters and mothers. They shared how they make their sisters and mother feel special by giving them cards, helping sisters in their work, playing with them, and sharing their pieces of chocolates with them.
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We, at Presidium, always believe in enriching our students with a diversity of culture and understanding of various facets of world heritage. In the recently conducted French Online Competition, Presidians got the opportunity to explore the heritage of France as a country and showcase their in-depth knowledge about their culture and society. To commemorate the French National Day, Rachna Sagar Pvt Ltd, a renowned publishing house organized a series of French Online Competitions. The students of grade IV-X wholeheartedly participated in competitions like Coin de Selfie, Defile de Mode, Faire la Cuisine, Creations d' affiches, and Jeu de role. The winners received E- certificates. The School head, Ms. Amita Bhatia, and Vice-Principal Ms. Sudhanshu Dadu congratulated the winners for bringing laurels to the school.
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कक्षा ३ के छात्रों के लिए हिंदी दिवस के अवसर पर एक विशेष कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया | कार्यक्रम में छात्रों ने दोहे तथा श्लोक सुनाए | कबीर और रहीम के दोहे सुनाते हुए उन्होंने उनके अर्थ को भी समझा | उन्होंने जाना कि कबीर और रहीम ने अपने दोहों में जीवन से जुडी बहुत सी नैतिक बातें समझाई हैं | विद्यार्थियों ने बहुत ही आत्मविश्वास के साथ दोहे और श्लोक सुनाए | सभी छात्रों ने अपनी प्रस्तुती को और भी आकर्षक बनाने के लिए अतिरिक्त सामग्री और कवियों के नाम की टोपी का भी प्रयोग किया | सभी की प्रस्तुती अत्यंत मनमोहक थी | विद्यार्थियों की भागीदारी को सभी ने बहुत सराहा| इस प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन पूर्णनिष्ठा और लगन के साथ किया गया|
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Ganesh Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chaturthi is the festival that honors Lord Ganesha. It marks the birth of the elephant-headed deity Ganesha, the god of prosperity and wisdom. Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the favourite festivals of our young Presidians which they celebrate with dance, music, pooja with friends and family. Students were involved in making ‘Ganesh Chaturthi Pandal’ in different ways like decorating mandir using coloured sheets and decorative materials. Our activity program started with Ganesh Vandana. We motivated students to have a green Ganesh Chaturthi and to inculcate this nature-friendly attitude in them, an eco-friendly Ganesha was crafted and beautifully decorated for the occasion. Students shared the importance of this festival and how they celebrate it at home. The session came alive with the mesmerizing chanting of ‘Ganapati Bappa Morya.'
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A hopscotch game was organized for the students of Nursery where they played the game of letters and numbers. It helps children to master body control, which is the core of numerous other skills like build body strength, balance, eye/hand coordination, and more. This activity helped them to recognize the letters, understand the sounds and relate them to the objects through a letter-sound relationship. In Maths they made a dice with 1-5 Dominos/dots on its sides, the child had to roll the dice, count the dots and jump on the correct number made on the floor. Through this activity, the children learned how to count and recognize the correct letter. It was a fun-filled activity where the students enjoyed immensely along with learning various other concepts. They were excited to play and asked the teachers to organize more games.
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Kaavya Prinja took part in an International Essay Writing Competition organized by Gratitude Consultancy in August. In the international results, announced on 25 August 2021, her essay on the topic “My personal experience of Online Classes’ and perspective on future of Blended Learning’ has been adjudged the best entry. Along with the first position, she has won a cash prize of $ 150.
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The Presidians of grades 6-8 attended a Webinar organized & conducted by ENACTUS IIT, Delhi in collaboration with Vigyantaram technology. The students were provided with a platform to showcase their views on the latest technology use in education as part of this first of its kind series in INDIA. It will culminate as a competition of innovative ideas using technology in education across India. The introductory webinar which gave an overview of the spectrum of topics as Robotics in daily life, AI, Real-time mobile, and game development sparked the hidden interests of the Presidians who were eager to enroll themselves for the second stage.
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